Scan and subscribe to SASSEUR Outlets official wechat accounts, enter your phone number and sign in to join SASSEUR VIP
Fill in the SASSEUR VIP Application Form at any of our Customer Service Center with a verification of any of your original documents( ID card, Passport, Officer Certificate, Driver’s License)
Each VIP card is valid for only one phone number/personal document
VIP Card Rules
VIP discount and point earning is only applicable with a show of SASSEUR VIP Card or the phone number identified in the account registration.
VIP point earning only applies to the actual amount paid by the customer, any form of coupons is excluded in the program.
When a refund occurs, customer must return the purchase and related billings,membership points will be deducted accordingly. If the remaining points is not sufficient, customer should return the purchase when enough points are accumulated.
Membership points is valid from the date when the points are generated to December 31 of the following year, and the unused points will expire automatically. For example: Points earned on May 1, 2016 will be valid until December 31, 2017.
SASSEUR Outlets provides various membership point exchange programs, for detailed information please check the posters in each outlet.
Points Earning Rules
Scan and subscribe to SASSEUR Outlets official wechat accounts, enter your phone number and sign in to join SASSEUR VIP
Scan and subscribe to SASSEUR Outlets official wechat accounts, enter your phone number and sign in to join SASSEUR VIP
Fill in the SASSEUR VIP Application Form at any of our Customer Service Center with a verification of any of your original documents( ID card, Passport, Officer Certificate, Driver’s License)
Each VIP card is valid for only one phone number/personal document
VIP Card Rules
VIP discount and point earning is only applicable with a show of SASSEUR VIP Card or the phone number identified in the account registration.
VIP point earning only applies to the actual amount paid by the customer, any form of coupons is excluded in the program.
When a refund occurs, customer must return the purchase and related billings,membership points will be deducted accordingly. If the remaining points is not sufficient, customer should return the purchase when enough points are accumulated.
Membership points is valid from the date when the points are generated to December 31 of the following year, and the unused points will expire automatically. For example: Points earned on May 1, 2016 will be valid until December 31, 2017.
SASSEUR Outlets provides various membership point exchange programs, for detailed information please check the posters in each outlet.